The Mass Intention book for 2024 is open!
Please note, Mass intentions will be limited to 5 Masses per person, per year. Dates will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Please visit our Parish Office to reserve a Mass Intention, or you can call us to check availability for a Mass Intention at 512.328.3220. The suggested donation for a Mass intention is $5.00.
We have also introduced flower arrangements and Sanctuary candle donations that may be offered in memory or in thanksgiving for a loved one. These donations will be included in the bulletin announcements. Dates will be on a first-come, first-served basis for both flowers and candles.
Sanctuary Flowers:
Fresh flowers in the Sanctuary are a beautiful way of enhancing our celebration of the Eucharist every week and for Holy Days. You can now offer a floral arrangement for the front of the altar, for a donation of $100.00. This arrangement will remain in the Sanctuary during the week as your gift to our parish.
Sanctuary Candle:
You may also dedicate a red Sanctuary candle located on either side of the Tabernacle. The Sanctuary candle signifies the Real Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist within the Tabernacle. The suggested donation for a Sanctuary candle is $20.00.