We invite you to share your time and talent by volunteering for our Sunday morning hospitality after the 9 AM Mass. This simple yet meaningful ministry brings joy to everyone, from the young to the young at heart.
Here’s how you can help:
-Donut Pickup: We need one person or family to pick up the donuts from HEB between 8:00 - 9:00 AM. Deliver to Morris Hall.
Hospitality Overseer: We need a volunteer to oversee the Sunday Hospitality experience each week. This role involves brewing coffee, setting out the donuts, and ensuring everything is ready to welcome our parish community after the final blessing at the 9:00 AM Mass.
Coffee and Donut Servers: We also need additional volunteers to help serve coffee and donuts as everyone heads over after Mass.
At 10:30 AM, we clean up, so the time commitment is short but incredibly meaningful. This is a wonderful way to help our SJN parish grow, serve, and connect with one another.
If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please sign up through the QR code, if you have any questions or would like training please contact Michelle Fontana [email protected].
Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve our community!
To volunteer please sign up below!