For detailed information about what is happening right now in our Confirmation program, please go to Youth Ministry Events Page.
“Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the Sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiations, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.”
from the Catechism of the Catholic Church - CCC 1316
Our High School Sacrament Preparation classes occur on one or two Wednesday evenings a month from October through April.
Teens will learn the importance of the Sacrament and the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives, the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, an overview of the Church's teachings on morality, Divine Revelation, Scriptures, the Church, and much more! Our time together will include large-group and small-group discussions, prayer, and time for any and all questions!
A faith-filled adult, who is a practicing Catholic, will be chosen by the candidate to act as their Sponsor. All Sponsors and candidates will meet together on a few Sunday afternoons at our Candidate and Sponsor events to share their faith and learn more about our Church and each other.
Teens will also select a Confirmation name, make a Saint display board, and share their Saint with the parishioners after the Masses on Saint Day.
To be a disciple means to do as Jesus did. Service in Jesus' name is integral to who we are as Christians. Teens participate in a variety of ways to make a difference in the lives of the underserved in our community.
Our teens attend a grace-filled, fun, and faith-enriching weekend retreat at the Eagle's Wings Retreat Center in Burnet, Texas.
Family Registration
The teen's family must be a currently registered family here at St. John Neumann. If you live in our parish's canonical boundaries and your family is not registered, please click HERE first before registering for our Youth Ministry programs.
Teen Registration
Parents must complete all necessary registration forms, submit copies of their teen's Baptism and First Holy Communion certificates, and pay the necessary Registration and Sacramental preparation fees to complete the registration process.
High School Ministry's (HSM) weekly event is called HSM Sunday. After the 5:00 pm Mass, our teens gather in Morris Hall for our event. We dismiss the teens at 7:45 pm. Snacks (the really bad-for-you kind that kids love, but also Mom-approved fruit!) and drinks are provided every week.
At HSM Sunday, our parish provides a place for teens to go deeper in their faith, and learn to share their faith with their peers through teachings, witness talks, and interactive discussions. We are not afraid to talk about issues facing our teens today and we give them the tools to deal with them in the real world.
Our HSM Sundays cover all sorts of subjects - Church teachings, social issues of the day, and much more. We are here to encourage teens to go deeper in their relationship with Christ and His Church, and to challenge them to live their faith as they carry out their daily lives. Our amazing adult Team Members, strive to create an atmosphere of love and acceptance - we are to assist them in their faith journey.
Besides our regular Sunday event, HSM has a variety of social, service, and spiritual events.
Click HERE for more information about HSM!